Thursday, January 13, 2011


Government of West Bengal launched an new initiative to introduce Standard Treatment Guideline for all the treatment facilities below sub district level under their direct control. The project is committed to rationalize the prescription, use of drug, sticking to Standard Treatment Protocol ensuring basic minimum support of logistic, infrastructure, human resource. Found one of the instrument still used at a treatment facility which is supposed to deliver sterilized hospital equipments.Hope all these will be replaced with an up-to-date functioning one.
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Monday, January 10, 2011


This bridge is an important life line for the people of south western side of West Midnapore district, remaining in a dilapidated condition left as an obligatory adventure during crossing.
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Saturday, January 1, 2011


Started browsing my photo album of the just passed year 2010 from very early in the morning. This face is now struggling hard against cancer the killer. Budho is my friend since childhood, one of my closest. Had shared lot of moments, experiences for a long period of time. In the first day of this New Year we don't know how long he is going to be with us.
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New Year

Scene from "Valmiki Prativa", dance drama by Tagore. It was a story of sacrifice, reincarnation. Hope this new year will bring some
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